49 West - Coffeehouse, Winebar & Gallery / Annapolis, Maryland
Coffee House | Wine Bar | Gallery | Music Venue
Thursday, May 30 at 6:15pm, please join us for “The Science of Anti-aging: Hype or Hope”
by Edward R McDevitt, M.D., CAPT MC USN-R, Team Physician US Naval AcademyAnnapolis Hand Center
Abstract: Due to advances in medicine technology, people are living longer today than ever before. However, living long does not always mean LivingWell. This presentation we will look at the scientific basis for some of the claims that are made to help you age as wonderfully as possible. We will learn the truth and the adage from the ancient Greeks that “let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” We will discuss the latest advances in exercise physiology that promote the advantage of high intensity interval training for exercise as we age. Time will be left for discussion.
About the Presenter: TBD