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Open Mic Night at 49 West!

May 27, 2018 @ 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm



Garrett Park Guitars, 49 West Coffeehouse, Winebar & Gallery, and Breedloves Annapolis are proud to present a brand new open mic to the city of Annapolis, MD called Open Mic Sundays!

What’s different with Open Mic Sundays vs other open mics?
Open Mic Sundays are all ages with all instruments and all genres are welcome to perform. PLUS, you can win a free Breedlove Guitar! Come to Open Mic Sundays and learn more or stop into Garrett Park Guitars for an entry form (7 Old Solomon’s Island, Rd, Annapolis, MD 21402). We’re giving away a guitar every 90 days!

How do I sign up to perform at Open Mic Sundays?
A sign-up sheet will be at the venue where you can sign up to perform. Please write down any special requests or ask the sound engineer if you have any questions or special needs.

How long or many songs can I/we play?
At this time, we’re offering each performer a 10-minute set (two long songs, or three short songs) and few minutes for setup. You may sign up a second time once you have performed.

What equipment is provided at Open Mic Sundays?
A PA, Mics, Stands, A Cajon, and a Breedlove Guitar.

What should I bring to perform at Open Mic Sundays?
All performers should bring their primary instrument to perform I.E. Guitar players should bring their guitar (and amp if applicable).

What shouldn’t I bring?
Due to the intimate setting of this venue, we do not recommend bringing a full drum kit or obnoxiously loud instruments. No glitter.

Can I sign up ahead of time to perform?
YES, and we certainly welcome you to sign up ahead of time. Please email gpguitars@gmail.com to let us know that you’ll be attending or call 443-873-3330 with any questions.

How can I promote my performance at Open Mic Sundays?
Stop by Garrett Park to grab a poster or share this event on your social sites. We’re on Instagram too! (@garrettparkguitars)

Where is Open Mic Sundays held?
at 49 West Coffeehouse, Winebar & Gallery – 49 West Street, Annapolis, MD 21401

When are Open Mic Sundays?
Open Mic Sundays are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday starting on April 22nd, 2018.

What is the cost to perform at Open Mic Sundays?
There is no cost to perform. However, the venue will be charging a $5 fee per person per table for table service which will go to the hosts of the open mic.

Who are the hosts of Open Mic Sundays??
Our hosts will rotate and include local and regional artists. Check back to see who will be hosting!

How can I host Open Mic Sundays?
Send an email to gpguitars@gmail.com with why you think you’d be a great host of Open Mic Sundays.


May 27, 2018
4:30 pm - 7:00 pm