49 West - Coffeehouse, Winebar & Gallery / Annapolis, Maryland
Coffee House | Wine Bar | Gallery | Music Venue
Annapolis Cafe Scientifique: A place where, for the price of a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, anyone can come to explore the latest ideas in science and technology. At 49 West, CoffeeHouse, Winebar and Gallery
Dear Annapolis Cafe Scientifique Patrons,
Please join us on Thursday, March 29 at 6:15pm at 49 West for the following presentation. Please reserve your seats by calling 410-626-9796. If you have reserved seats and do not plan on coming, please release them by calling that same number.
Title: Frozen Visions: Science and Art Below the Freezing Point
When: Thursday, March 29, 6:15-7:15pm.
Presenter: Dr. Peter Wasilewski, Scientist Emeritus, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Abstract: Earth’s climate history can be addressed through the study of the shape and orientation, revealed by the color, of ice crystals in Polar ice core thin sections. Using polarized light, scientists investigate thin sections of ice along the length of an ice core to reveal the dynamic story of the ice cap and the associated climate extending to hundreds of thousands of years. The Antarctic ice cap is an amazing laboratory. Meteorites can be found on the glacial blue ice patches and are an important source of information about the history of our solar system. Applying the same techniques used to study ice cores, Dr. Peter Wasilewski learned from the study of the “meteoritic blue ice”. He then experimented with freezing water to evaluate various ways to alter the size and shape and orientation of ice crystals, creating color patterns along the way. Science and art merged, and ‘Frizions’ emerged. Frizions are digital photographs of freezing or melting thin sheets of ice viewed through manipulated polarized light producing vivid colors and imaginative shapes. The visual magic happens when this experimental thin ice becomes the canvas for the union of science and art, as seen through the artist’s eyes.
About the Speaker: After serving 37 years as Planetary Scientist, Dr. Peter Wasilewski began his career at Goddard as a Research Associate and retired as a Senior Investigator in 2010. His work focused primarily on the magnetic properties of rocks including earth rocks, moon rocks, and meteorites. As a Scientist Emeritus, Dr. Wasilewski has continued his connection with NASA as an organizer and contributor to educational programs at Goddard. His primary education effort has been the annual ‘History of Winter’ Program, a week-long NASA/Goddard outreach program for middle school and high school teachers, throughout the US, focused on providing teachers hands-on experience in the study of ice and snow which they can transfer to their students.
Hope to see you on Thursday, March 29; starting at 6:15pm, at 49 West!
Tracy Gill and Andy Loftus